Sunday, May 25, 2014

Explosion markers

Has it been twenty days allready.. pff I'm sorry, been a little busy doing family things, you know the drill.

Any way between work and family time, I also had some spare moments to paint and fiddle around with some cotton a bit.
I made me some explosion markers, by putting some cotton on those fake candles
Here's some pictures

The end result looks amazing, as the LED's flicker like real candles, it looks as if they are really on fire. And they are cheap as hell to make as well.

Other than that I have been toying around with the idea of building a Master of the Forge on a bike, wielding a conversion beamer. I already started the build, will put some pictures up shortly. together with some pictures of my legion of the damned. The bases are almost done, now all we need is some time to paint.

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