Sunday, April 27, 2014

3D Dreadnought april 27th

Update on the 3D model we're working on.
So we almost finished the left arm. It is missing some detail still, and there is some wiring left to do. As you can see, we tilted the elbow up a bit, as it was pointing too low for my liking.
Put up some pictures as well for reference. You'll notice the flamer being either too big, or it being too close to the arm. Dunno what went wrong there, but we're sure as hell not gonna change it again.

Progressing slowly but steadily. Next up the wiring and finishing the detail, then we can start mocking up the main body.

Looking at the pictures, there are a lot of things going wrong.. ugh.. Hopefully we've got time to fix everything, cuz I really like to move on to the body.

Note to self: Quit rendering after every little detail you've changed, you have a slow ass computer, and it's eating up butt-loads of time.

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