Wednesday, April 23, 2014

3D dreadnought

Ok so here's the story, as of next year I will finally be drawing in 3D again, instead of the dreadful 2D AutoCAD I'm working with now. So for practice I was thinking, why not combine the fetish I have for big two legged robots, mechanical engineering and Warhammer 40K, and start drawing a dreadnought. Well I have a few laying around so, picked up my caliper and got to it.

I started off by drawing the Heavy Flamer, mounted on the left arm. And me being me, I couldn't resist rendering it right of the bat. I took a little longer then I anticipated though, I must be getting really rusty, but hey its getting there.

At the moment I'm in the process of finishing the left arm, but again, this may seem a little more challenging than I first imagined.

And of course I couldn't resist rendering some more...

It is on a 1:1 scale so maybe when it's finished I could get it 3D printed, although I think a lot of the detail would go lost. Maybe we'll see.

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