Friday, April 25, 2014

Imperial Knight Titan WIP pt 2

Time for an update on the Imperial Knight Titan Freeblade.

I haven't done all that that much, been a little busy and had to play a game last night (of course) So I got the rest of the panels in their primary colors, and glued everything on. The only things not glued are the waist, and the battle cannon. this is mainly for transport reasons. So I think I'll have to somehow magnetize them. And on the plus side, this way I can put on the melta cannon as well.
Note to self, 'get some friggin magnets'.

Here she is in her full glory...

Still have to give her a name, any ideas?
She's got a purrdy face
Disassembled, ready for transport
Next up are the decals, and after that, the base and some weathering.
Now I hate weathering, I'm not good at it, and it makes the pretty models all dirty, and beat up. Gives 'em character though, so I guess I'll have to bite the pillow on this one. Need to find some tutorials on how to do it properly.

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