Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And thou shall be named..

That's right, we finally came up with a name, Mortis. It might not be the most original name, but it suits her nonetheless.

Here she is in her full glory.

As you can see there is still plenty left to be done. Putting the decals on took a little more time than anticipated, but then again, everything I do at the moment seems to be taking more time than anticipated.. Either I need to learn how to speed things up, or make some more time. Either way I must be getting old, turning 32 next week, yuk.

So lets see, its closing to a finish, but not quite there yet, we still have the base to finish and getting some (more) weathering done. This should be doable in one evening, so might as well plan in two evenings beforehand (see, we're learning).

What do you think, should we paint her toe nails blue and gold as well?

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