Sunday, May 25, 2014

Explosion markers

Has it been twenty days allready.. pff I'm sorry, been a little busy doing family things, you know the drill.

Any way between work and family time, I also had some spare moments to paint and fiddle around with some cotton a bit.
I made me some explosion markers, by putting some cotton on those fake candles
Here's some pictures

The end result looks amazing, as the LED's flicker like real candles, it looks as if they are really on fire. And they are cheap as hell to make as well.

Other than that I have been toying around with the idea of building a Master of the Forge on a bike, wielding a conversion beamer. I already started the build, will put some pictures up shortly. together with some pictures of my legion of the damned. The bases are almost done, now all we need is some time to paint.

Monday, May 5, 2014

All your base are belong to us

Back again after a short intermezzo. I've been busy this weekend, as I celebrated my birthday (yes my birthday is on StarWars day), had a nice party, Saturday night, and a diner party at my parents house, on Sunday. But now on to the good stuff.

I got me some Legion of the Damned from my friends, couldn't be happier, because from now on, I don't have to use some crappy marines as stand-ins. Whoohoo!

These are without question, the coolest models the codex has to offer!
I couldn't just let them sit there, they had to be assembled right away. Now I couldn't just put them on dull regular bases, so I'm trying to base them properly. I've never done this before, so if you have some pointers, please help me out, we all want these guys to properly pose, when on the battlefield, don't we?

So I've gone ahead and cut up some foam and stuck the pieces to the bases using regular white glue. After that, I diluted some more white glue down with water, in a  50-50 mix, and let the foam soak it all up. I hope this will harden the foam, so it can take a bit of a beating, in the years to come. After that I put some small stones on them, and sprinkled it with a fine and sharp sand.

Next up will be the painting of the bases, I'm still not sure what color scheme to use. Normally I would paint them grey stone on a sandy underground. But it would also be really cool to make them look if the Legion was coming straight from hell, mwuhahahaha!

What say you: should I paint them up as on regular stone, to fit with the rest of my army, or like they are standing on fiery brimstone?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

When did you first start the hobby?

My brother and I were visiting a games store nearby, and it was there where we first laid our eyes on the 3rd edition starter set. It was then, back in 1999, when we first decided we had to play this game.

My first intention was to get my brother into playing Warhammer Fantasy, these were the days I first read the Hobbit, the Lords of the rings trilogy, and the Magician series. But my brother didn’t want anything to do with those orkses and guys riding horses, when he first saw the Space Marines, that was the army for him. So I had no choice but to pick Dark Eldar, and go with the space pirates.

After assembling the models and splattering on some paint (well spray painting everything black mostly) we started our first games. We had an old billiards table, used some cardboard, and built us some terrain. I read the BBB (Big Black Book) three times before we had at least the slightest idea of what we were supposed to be doing. The book came in English only so I had to convince my brother (we’re Dutch)we got the rules right (which of course we didn’t). We set up our men, in my case my women too, and then he put down his mighty hovering tank (it was only a landspeeder) I had no clue how to put that thing to a rest, and when my brother saw me failing to wreck it, he pulled back all his guys, and shot the living crap out of my army. And he managed to do so every time we set up.

Me being me, I can’t stand losing, so I needed to get some of those mighty vehicles as well, so I went to the store and bought the cheapest thing coming close to being a vehicle, which was a box of reavers. But since we didn’t have any codices, all I could think of, was that these things had the same weaponry as the other infantry, which let me have some speedy guys who could at least could get out of the way of the speeder, but I couldn’t kill it still. So after a few games of my brother slaughtering me, and no one around to teach us the game properly, our enthusiasm died, and the models found their way up the attic. Never to see daylight again.

Until two years back. I had moved out of the house already, and my mother called, she was cleaning out the attic and asked if she could get rid of that box full of junk (dried out glue, opened pots of paint, broken mini’s etc.) I completely forgot about them, so I said yeah, give em to someone who actually knows how to play. But when she actually found a guy who could play, this got my attention again.

There were people in my near surroundings secretly playing Warhammer 40K, without me, or my brother, knowing about it. Deep down inside there was still the urge to collect, build and paint the mini’s, but without the opportunity to play once in a while, I thought it to be a waste of time. So I got in contact with the guy who got all our stuff, and asked him if I could watch a couple of games. He then was very anxious into explaining all the rules and what has changed since 3rd edition hoping I would fall for the hobby once more. Mostly so they would have a new opponent other than the four or five guys they had been playing against for the last 8 years (that long had they been keeping it a secret!). And it worked!  They gave me some of the marines who were my brother’s once, I got me a codex, and scoured the internet to collect a small army, to start with. I haven’t looked back since.

So that was my story, what’s yours? When did you first start playing?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And thou shall be named..

That's right, we finally came up with a name, Mortis. It might not be the most original name, but it suits her nonetheless.

Here she is in her full glory.

As you can see there is still plenty left to be done. Putting the decals on took a little more time than anticipated, but then again, everything I do at the moment seems to be taking more time than anticipated.. Either I need to learn how to speed things up, or make some more time. Either way I must be getting old, turning 32 next week, yuk.

So lets see, its closing to a finish, but not quite there yet, we still have the base to finish and getting some (more) weathering done. This should be doable in one evening, so might as well plan in two evenings beforehand (see, we're learning).

What do you think, should we paint her toe nails blue and gold as well?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

3D Dreadnought april 27th

Update on the 3D model we're working on.
So we almost finished the left arm. It is missing some detail still, and there is some wiring left to do. As you can see, we tilted the elbow up a bit, as it was pointing too low for my liking.
Put up some pictures as well for reference. You'll notice the flamer being either too big, or it being too close to the arm. Dunno what went wrong there, but we're sure as hell not gonna change it again.

Progressing slowly but steadily. Next up the wiring and finishing the detail, then we can start mocking up the main body.

Looking at the pictures, there are a lot of things going wrong.. ugh.. Hopefully we've got time to fix everything, cuz I really like to move on to the body.

Note to self: Quit rendering after every little detail you've changed, you have a slow ass computer, and it's eating up butt-loads of time.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Imperial Knight Titan WIP pt 2

Time for an update on the Imperial Knight Titan Freeblade.

I haven't done all that that much, been a little busy and had to play a game last night (of course) So I got the rest of the panels in their primary colors, and glued everything on. The only things not glued are the waist, and the battle cannon. this is mainly for transport reasons. So I think I'll have to somehow magnetize them. And on the plus side, this way I can put on the melta cannon as well.
Note to self, 'get some friggin magnets'.

Here she is in her full glory...

Still have to give her a name, any ideas?
She's got a purrdy face
Disassembled, ready for transport
Next up are the decals, and after that, the base and some weathering.
Now I hate weathering, I'm not good at it, and it makes the pretty models all dirty, and beat up. Gives 'em character though, so I guess I'll have to bite the pillow on this one. Need to find some tutorials on how to do it properly.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

3D dreadnought

Ok so here's the story, as of next year I will finally be drawing in 3D again, instead of the dreadful 2D AutoCAD I'm working with now. So for practice I was thinking, why not combine the fetish I have for big two legged robots, mechanical engineering and Warhammer 40K, and start drawing a dreadnought. Well I have a few laying around so, picked up my caliper and got to it.

I started off by drawing the Heavy Flamer, mounted on the left arm. And me being me, I couldn't resist rendering it right of the bat. I took a little longer then I anticipated though, I must be getting really rusty, but hey its getting there.

At the moment I'm in the process of finishing the left arm, but again, this may seem a little more challenging than I first imagined.

And of course I couldn't resist rendering some more...

It is on a 1:1 scale so maybe when it's finished I could get it 3D printed, although I think a lot of the detail would go lost. Maybe we'll see.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Imperial Knight Titan WIP

Allright, time for a first post then.

At the moment I'm working on my Imperial Knight Titan. As you can see it's not quite finished yet, although it has seen some battles already. Some of the armor is missing, most of it isn't even glued on yet.
Come get some
The colors match the rest of my Ultramarine army

So there's still plenty left to do, up next are the missing panels, the banner the decals, and finishing the base.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Hi there and welcome to my blog.

In here, I'm keeping  track of the hobby I'm enjoying, which is Warhammer 40K. Hopefully this blog will inspire you into enhancing and enjoying your hobby as well.